Ballart Victoria ,Australia
Eminent Education Institute


Ballart Victoria ,Australia
International Commencing Student Accommodation Scholarship-Postgraduate
Scholarship amount & Degree
Eminent Education Institute

A$ 4000


Eminent Education Institute




International Business Social Work Business Analytics Civil Engineering Technology Mechanical Engineering Technology Health Service Administration/Management Software Development/Engineering Accounting (Professional) Teaching Primary Teaching Secondary Mining Engineering Technology Health leadership

Prospective International Student Accommodation Support Scholarship

What easier way to commence your studies with Federation University Australia than living on-campus with an International Commencing Student Accommodation Scholarship.

We understand that students achieve their best when they feel supported, secure and at home, at FedLiving we offer a range of safe, convenient and affordable living environments on or close to campus where you can make friends, access support and settle into university life.

Prospective international students will automatically be assessed for an offer of an accommodation scholarship to support living in the University’s accommodation (Fedliving) at the time they receive an offer to study at the University.

No additional application is required.


$2,000 AUD per Semester for two Semesters. (Total annual value $4,000 AUD)

This scholarship is not a full accommodation scholarship but is to support students who choose to live in University accommodation in Victoria. There will be additional accommodation costs.

Awards process & availability

Prospective international students will automatically be assessed for an offer of an accommodation scholarship to support living in the University’s accommodation (Fedliving) at the time they receive an offer to study at the University.

Not all students will meet the criteria for an accommodation scholarship. This will be at the discretion of Federation University Australia and subject to accommodation availability.

The scholarship will not be offered once a FedUni student is in receipt of a Confirmation of Enrolment or after arriving in Australia.

Scholarship acceptance

Scholarship recipients must sign the accommodation offer to accept the awarded scholarship, return the signed form and register with Fedliving accommodation services or to activate the scholarship offer.

A scholarship may be awarded but is not guaranteed until officially confirmed by the accommodation provider.

Accommodation types and weekly rental fees

There are varying styles of accommodation from shared rooms through to private rooms with en-suite bathrooms that will be available to scholarship recipients to choose from depending on their budget and room availability at each campus. To review the varying styles of accommodation and the weekly rental rates, please refer to: https://federation.edu.au/aboutus/facilities-and-services/campus-life/accommodation/2021-accommodation-applications)

Recipients will liaise with Fedliving regarding room preferences and the subsided weekly rental rates they agree to pay

Rental contract

To receive the scholarship, a recipient must enter into a rental contract for a minimum of one Semester. Recipients will sign the rental agreement when taking possession of their accommodation.

Payment process

For Victorian scholarship holders, the scholarship will be credited to the recipient’s Fedliving accommodation account each semester. Recipients do not receive the funds directly. (See Condition 1.4 & 2)


Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for a scholarship, you must:

  • be a new international student who will begin their studies in Australia in 2021;
  • have Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) issued by Federation University;
  • be enrolling in an eligible program (excluding OS exchange and Study Abroad);
  • be studying at Federation University Australia in Ballarat, Gippsland, Berwick.
  • not be in receipt of any other scholarships other than a Global Innovator or Destination Australia
  • be in receipt of an offer letter than includes an accommodation scholarship offer letter


1. As a recipient of a scholarship, you must:

1.1. Be enrolled full time in an on-campus undergraduate or postgraduate degree program or a Federation University Australia EAP program packaged with an undergraduate or postgraduate degree program that is,            studying at Ballarat, Gippsland or Melbourne (Berwick) campuses of Federation University Australia;

1.2. Behave in a manner which upholds the positive reputation of the University;

1.3. Adhere to the FedLiving International Scholarship Licence Agreement and Code of Conduct.

2. The value of your scholarship will be credited directly to your FedUni Australia accommodation account each semester,upon meeting the conditions outlined in 1.3.

3. The scholarship covers accommodation fees only and once exhausted is finalized.

4. The package does not cover any other additional costs or services such as meals packages and / or program, activities and special event fees.

5. If you extend your stay outside of academic calendar or scholarship dates, you will be required to organize accommodation at your expense.

6. The accommodation scholarship is not transferrable.

7. If you withdraw from your degree after close of business on the census date, or if you cease to study at a Federation University campus in Melbourne, Ballarat, Gippsland or Berwick:

7.1. You will forfeit the scholarship;

7.2. You may be required to vacate your accommodation within 24 hours or pay accommodation fees and any additional administrative and or cleaning costs at your own expense. Please refer to your Accommodation Contract.

8. Scholarship holders will organize room allocation directly with Fedliving. Scholarships are limited and although a scholarship may be awarded, it is not guaranteed.

9. The scholarship cannot be deferred.

Right of appeal in respect of the scholarship for accommodation - The University regards any decision in relation to these scholarships as final and will not entertain any appeal