State Scholar Plus Scholarship( $10000)
- Apply by November 15
- Earn a 3.75 GPA or Higher at the point of Admission(on a 4.0 scale)
- International Students: Sat score of 1300 or ACt score of 28(or higher) is required
DePaul Freshman Scholarships($9000- $25000)
- You are automatically considered for one of our four academic scholarships(Presidental Scholarship, Dean's Scholarship, DePaul Scholar's Award, St. Vincent DePaul Scholarship) when you apply too Depaul.
- Academic scholarships may be renewed for up to four consecutive year(12 quarters) of undergraduate study if you maintain good academic standing. You must be enrolled full time each quarter and complete a minimum of 36 quarter hours fot the fall, einter and spring quarters.