Canberra Australian Capital Territory ,Australia
Eminent Education Institute


Canberra Australian Capital Territory ,Australia
ANU Chancellor’s International Scholarship-Postgraduate
Scholarship amount & Degree
Eminent Education Institute

A$ 25000 (Up to)


Eminent Education Institute




Accounting Anthropology Business Information System Economics Entrepreneurship Environmental Science Finance Music Neuroscience Political Science Statistics History Asian Studies Electrical Engineering Business Administration Biotechnology Astronomy Earth Science Computing Project Management Applied Linguistics Accounting (Professional) Environment Mechatronics Engineering Data Analytics Archaeology Doctor of Medicine Financial Management Renewable Energy Engineering Telecommunications Engineering Digital Humanities Interpreting and Translation Clinical Psychology Actuarial Practice Public Policy Art History International Law Actuarial Studies International Security Demography Globalisation Social Research Climate Change Diplomacy Strategic Studies International Management Photonics Engineering Machine Learning and Computer Vision Energy Change Quantum Technology Quantitative Biology Museum and Heritage Studies Biological Science Forestry Commerce Mathematical Sciences Financial Economics Economic Policy Theoretical Physics

ANU Chancellor’s International Scholarship »

$25,000 per annum  
Once-off fee waiver ranging between $15,000 and $25,000
Number offered: 200
Selection bases: Academic merit
Interest area: Arts & Social Sciences, Asia & the Pacific, Business & Economics, Engineering & Computer Science, Health & Medicine, Law, Science
Application periods: 30 June – 16 November 2020


In 2021, The Australian National University (ANU) will offer up to 200 awards known as the ANU Chancellor's International Scholarship.  ANU looks to attract a diverse range of high calibre international students to enrol in undergraduate and postgraduate coursework programs offered by the University. The scholarship is available only for applicants commencing their studies in Semester 1 2021.

These awards are distributed into 6 categories.

Category Number of Awards Scholarship Value
Undergraduate International applicants             25  up to $25,000
Postgraduate International applicants             75  up to $15,000
International applicants from South Asia Region             50   up to $25,000
International applicants from South-East Asia Region             30  up to $25,000
International applicants from Middle East and Africa Region              10  up to $25,000
International applicants who have completed International Baccalaureate (IB)             10  up to $20,000

Applicants will be assessed in the above categories based on their citizenship.

Field of study

Any Discipline



The Award is available to a prospective ANU applicant who: 
(a)    Is an international student, either currently residing inside or outside Australia;

(b)    has received an offer of admission for a coursework program (Undergraduate or Postgraduate) to commence in Semester 1 2021 (excluding Graduate Certificates);

(c)    is self-funded for fee purposes and is a full-fee paying student (i.e. is not the recipient of a tuition fee sponsorship by a government or organisation); 

(d)    (For region-specific Awards) is a citizen of a country in the regions defined below: 
        i.    South Asia: Bangladesh; Bhutan; Maldives; India; Nepal; Pakistan; Sri Lanka. 
       ii.    South East Asia: Brunei; Cambodia; Indonesia; Laos; Malaysia; Myanmar; Philippines; Singapore; Thailand; Timor-Leste; Vietnam. 
      iii.    Middle East & Africa: Any country of Africa; Bahrain; Iraq; Iran; Israel; Jordan; Kuwait; Lebanon; Oman; Palestine; Qatar; Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; Syria; United Arab Emirates; Yemen; Turkey. 

(e)    must have completed their International Baccalaureate to be eligible for the specific IB scholarships category.


Selection will be made on the basis of an applicant meeting the eligibility criteria and academic merit. Qualifications submitted for admission at ANU will be converted to the common scale which will determine an applicant's place on the merit list. Eligible applicants with multiple qualifications will be ranked according to the qualification used as the basis of admission.  
Grade Point Average (GPA) on a 7.0 scale will be used for eligible postgraduate applicants. ATAR equivalent will be used for eligible undergraduate applicants.


The scholarship benefits vary across the six categories of scholarship as listed above.

The actual scholarship amount is applied only in Semester 2 2021.

How to apply

There is no separate application process as applicants are automatically considered based on the applicants meeting the eligibility criteria.

The applicants will be informed of their scholarship award on the day that they receive their offer to ANU.

Note that scholarship offers may be given out a few days after the academic offer in case of Round 3.

You can press the Apply now button on the top right hand side of this page to start the academic application process for Semester 1, 2021 at ANU.

How to accept

Applicants will need to accept both their academic offer and their scholarship offer separately. More information to be provided with your offer letters.

Further information

For more information on other scholarships available at ANU please see our ANU scholarships page.
For more information about study options at ANU please see our ANU study page.